Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Eat your greens....Adios

Eat your greens Denise…..Day 90+

WOW….can’t believe it has been 90+ days since we all started this amazing journey. I bet that most of us choose different reasons for doing this program. For me…several factors were in play.

1) Fat loss: I had been slowly gaining weight over the past 3 years. Even though I was exercising (running on treadmill, elliptical and some (loosely used term) free weights).

2) Eat better: My diet consisted of meat, cheese, red wine, carbs (I love pretzels). Lite on fruit and veggies.

3) Be healthier: Knowing my family history of obesity, high blood pressure, cancer. I did not want to end up with those in my shopping cart at checkout time. Most of these health issues are a result of poor exercise and eating habits. And I’ll add…bad information.

4) Peer pressure: I am a competitor. Honestly, I had always been “the” fit person in my sphere of friends/co-workers, and I was losing control. Special kudos to Elena….she nagged me everyday to do SOMETHING……anything….but do SOMETHING consistently.


I wish I would have taken my measurements before I started this program.

SO, here are some not so scientific observations:

1) Lost 12 lbs of weight. Mostly the fat “ring” around the middle and legs. 163 vs 151 lbs. Height 5’8’’ (no change here).

2) Lost 1.5 dress sizes.

3) More flexibility. I have always have been flexible but now I can wash the middle part of my back with no problem…..both arms too.

4) Improved skin clarity and suppleness. I truly respect fruits and veggies.

5) More energy are some not so scientific images.....Day 90ish.

What I have learned:

It’s OK for your body to get hurt……you will heal. During PCP I have experienced SORE knees (solution: use a exercise mat to jump on and NOT the concrete. Ibuprofen too.), Pulled hamstring (solution: better and different stretching exercises before and after workout), pulled shoulder (solution: Ibruprofen for that temp fix and more strengthening in that area). During our 90 days, I missed about 14 days of scheduled workout time due to these.

Simple food is simply the best! Case closed. You know we go back to our grandparents and remember what they ate and how they peacefully they left this earth. They had simple foods (although it was laced with lard and meat) but those items were from animals NOT injected with growth hormones, anti-boitics, and what not. Today, to eat like that, we need to eat organically. Raw butters/milk/eggs, free range meats, and non –pesticide laden fruits/veggies. I have seen enough people pass on in this life struggling at the end to hold on. I don’t want my body to FIGHT until it succumbs to cancer, etc. I just want it to “run out of gas”…wear down naturally.

Packaged products are not anyone’s friend. Not even the healthy bars or protein shakes (which I took great pride in consuming). Make your own bars with ingredients that you have bought/harvested yourself. Only then you will know what you are eating. Controlling what goes in is very important.

Back to basics with simple exercises. We on the PCP used nothing more than our own weight, bands, cans of tomatoes, etc . No gimmicks…no gyms required. There is no hocus pocus when it comes to having a FIT body…good from the inside as well as the outside.

Now for the kudos:

1) Patrick and Chen: Thank you for having the fortitude, guts and belief to put this program out there. Your daily emails will be missed.

2) Jonti/Gwen Bell: Thanks to Gwen for participating in PCP and spreading the word. It got to the ears of Jonti. Thank you ladies.

3) Me: For wanting to do SOMETHING and having that SOMETHING to do.

4) Office inspirational people: There has been a growing movement in my office to be fit. It started with a small group called the “Fat bastards club”. Money, recognition and bragging rights are certainly motivational factors for this group.

5) My fellow PCPers. Emily…….”Energerizer bunny”…….Shelly…..Naomi…..Jonti. To you, I tip my hat….you have been inspirational with your insight, kindness, thoughtfulness during these days. Muuuuuaaa to all!!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 82......outside/inside

This morning was beautiful....of course after the sun came up and melted the ice/snow from driveway. Got my mat out and did my 7min x 3 jumps. Had my full regalia of winter workout clothing......TurleFur hat, fingerless gloves, fleece outerwear on top of UnderArmour compression s/s shirt and l/s shirt. Felt good to breathe in some "fresh" air (I don't know if Houston has fresh air but with the cold front it should have blown some Canadian stuff down).

This after noon, we'll go to gym and do our PCP homework.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 81.......inside

Friday......Snow...Houston TX. Earliest recorded snowfall in city. Couple inches on ground. Ice will be building on the roads and highways early evening. So movement will be hard.
Since we have no room to jump inside, and outside is cold and getting icey....and our gym closed early (like most businesses today), I have committed to do the band exercises. And definitely the abs.

Tomorrow we'll throw a pot of chicken soup on. Nothing like soup to help a cold!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 79...after the fall (of grease)..I3

Well…..Jonti summed up the experience pretty well. After all our hard work, exercising (most days of PCP), eating really well and then to be “forced” to have another indulgence. Rrrrrr. The first two I really looked forward to having but knowing how my body reacted, I was reluctant. I had the fried egg sandwich (bacon, cheese, artisan bread) coated….literally coated in truffle oil. Everything I touched became oily. I was never so happy to run to the restroom and wash off the mess. Could not do that with my digestive tract. Had to suffer another day or two with that.

Are these meals supposed to be the norm? I mean….are we all supposed to make them a twice/week occurrence. If so, then I can see why Americans are unhealthy and much too overweight.

Nope…..not eating that again. I can make a better fried egg sandwich for $14.

Update…….walking at lunchtime in our garage (in addition to PCP daily WO). Suffering a little from a winter cold. It’s been challenging to get up early (with the weather being cold) and go to gym to jump. This past holiday weekend I had several full workouts in the morning (normally we WO after 6pm). WOW….does that make you tired all day long. Must be the food balance…..burning the stores of fat from body instead of the food taken in during the day.